شبكة القناص - الموقع الرسمي للاعب ياسر القحطاني

شبكة القناص - الموقع الرسمي للاعب ياسر القحطاني (http://www.alqanas.com.sa/vb/)
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-   -   موضوع لي قديم بس حبيت أشارككم فيه وشكرا (http://www.alqanas.com.sa/vb/t57189/)

حقل الدموع 10-08-2007 06:49 PM

موضوع لي قديم بس حبيت أشارككم فيه وشكرا
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته...

هذا الموضوع أنا كتبته من زمااااااااااااااااااااان على موقع باكستاني وبالتحديد بتاريخ 9 أكتوبر 2006.

حبيت اشارككم فيه في الموقع هذا ويمكن يحوز على إعجابكم.

المقالة أنا كتبتها بعد أحاسيس كثيرة تجمعت داخلي من الأحداث اللي قاعدة تصير عالميا وعربيا...

أخليكم مع الموضوع وشكرا...


Everyday we hear someone telling us about how great America is. And so many others tell us how greater Israel is. No one ever told or even thought about how great “Muslims” are, or how great Islam is. Have they ever thought about what are the tools that they use to measure the greatness of these two main super powers? Have they ever tried to look closer with their own eyes not the eyes of the media? Have they ever tried to think with their own minds not with the minds of their presidents and governors?

We “Muslims” have been at war since inception. Finally they found another way to stab us with poisoned sword by talking about freedom of media and press.

Have they ever asked themselves why don’t we “Muslims” make characters about “Jesus” or any other prophet? Why don’t we make characters about monks and priests? I want them to think for a second if one of the “Muslims” made such cartoons about “Jesus” or any other prophet. How would they feel? How would they react?

I’m sure they will arrange big demonstrations and manifestations objecting and contra posting and they will fight us in all possible ways they could. And for sure they will make us apologize for this.

“Muslim organizations, like the Islamic Religious Community, have demanded an apology, but Juste rejected the idea. He said the cartoons had been a journalistic project to find out how many cartoonists refrained from drawing the prophet out of fear.

’We live in a democracy,’ he said. ’That’s why we can use all the journalistic methods we want to. Satire is accepted in this country, and you can make caricatures. Religion shouldn’t set any barriers on that sort of expression. This doesn’t mean that we wish to insult any Muslims.’”

As he said that he lives in a democracy. Why didn’t he use the democracy to make some cartoons about any of the other prophets? Why didn’t he make some cartoons about “Jesus”? Why was it specifically Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him). Didn’t he say “Religion shouldn’t set any barriers on that sort of expression”?

We “Muslims” believe in all prophets irrespective whether they came on “Muslims”, “Christians” or “Jews”. For example, Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Eber), Saleh (****ah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Lut (Lot), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Ayub (Job), Shoaib (Jethro), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dhul-Kifl (most likely Ezekiel), Dawood (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elijah), Al-Yasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zacharias), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus), Muhammad and even those who weren’t mentioned in the Quran, Bible or Gospel are the messengers of Allah and no “Muslim” will ever make a cartoon of anyone of them irrespective to which religion they preached. Because religion is not something to ridicule, it’s a way of life and you do not ridicule ones way of life.

On the other hand the picture presented for Muslims is highly misled. It’s our mistake that we didn’t show what real Islam is. We allowed others to predict what Islam is from our manners and attitudes which mostly are construed wrong and sometimes bad. Even those who pretend to know more than anyone else, they are totally ignorant of some very basic Islamic ideology. They just try to turn all the realities about Islam to whatever suite them. Those who kill innocent people (women, children, elder people). They are not “Muslims”. They are just trying to destroy the real picture of Islam. Even those terrorists who act in the name of Islam they are furtherest from being a “Muslims”. They didn’t pay attention to what Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) told us about how awful it is to kill women, children and old people. They didn’t pay attention on how he reacted when he found a dead woman after one of the big wars he’s been through. He even denied the action of destroying the plants and home of those who they were fighting. They also did not pay attention that Allah said that fighting those who are “Non-Muslims” only if they started the fighting.

[8] Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity.
[9] It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them. And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the Z⬩m?rong-doers those who disobey Allah).

This is only one example about how great Islam is and Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) he is the biggest example for the Islamic manners and attitudes and way of life.

If everyone tried to just read Quran carefully and understand the meaning of the words written in this holy valued book. They will understand the real meaning of Islam.

And for those who think that Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him) is only a Prophet or Islamic religious man who lived his life only by fighting and holding his sword and killing people, they are totally mistaken.

To end I would only say this oh Muslim brothers and sisters that whatever is happening to Muslims today is as much the fault of western world as ours, if today we decide to follow the holy path and the holy book non of this will exist anymore and our enemies will turn our friends. If today we decided to show the world by our deeds and acts what real Islam and what real Muslim is then there will be no more mis-understandings and war nor hatred. If today we decided to pursue the world that is meaningful i.e. the life here after and not this worldly life then we will be victorious ones again both in this world and the next.

Lets pray together in this Holy month of Ramadan that may Allah bless us with his noor and power so that we can defy all odds and follow the path which is righteous in Allah and his Prophets eye. Ameen.

الساعة الآن 05:58 AM.

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