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الجمعية الخيرية لتحفيظ القرآن الكريم
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قديم 05-09-2005, 09:41 AM   #1
. . : زعيم القناصين : . .
الصورة الرمزية إنسانـــة
افتراضي ,, you are in love,,

هذي بعض الكلمات اعجبتني اتمنى انها تنال اعجااااابكم
والي يبيني اترجمها انا حاااااااضرة...

Don't hide your feelings if u don't want to lose someone . . .

There is a story of a man.. Who always kept his feelings towards his friend. Until the day she got married.. He decided to tell her the truth and...She felt that it's a good joke for her wedding.

There is a story of a man.. Who has never told his wife how much he loves her...Until the day she passed away. Until now, he keeps sending flowers to her grave everyday.. With thousand kisses on the card saying "I love you". Would she be able to know?

Yet, there is a story of a girl.. Who always needed a warm hug from her daddy. But she was too shy to ask for.. Until the day he can never hug her any more. :

A lot of stories happen everyday. You could know what had happened yesterday. How can you be sure what will happen tomorrow? Think of something you never say. Are you waiting until t! he day? Just say..

" I love you..."

If you like to get out from a noisy party and walk together outside only.. with that someone, you are in love.

When you are together with that someone, you pretend to ignore him/her. But when that someone is not around you, you might look around to find him/her. At that moment, you are in love.

Although there is someone else who always makes you laugh, your eyes and attention .. might go only to that someone. Then, you are in love.

When you look at a group picture, you might rather look for that special someone (to know who was next to him/her or how he/she look like in that picture) than look for yourself. Then, you realize that you are in love .

You have to hook out your telephone line for your busy study, but you cannot do it for one phone call from that special someone. Then, you are in love.

If you are much more exciting for one short eMail from that someone than other many long eMails, you are in love.

When you get a couple of free movie tickets, You would not hesitate to think of that special someone Then, you are in love.

You keep telling yourself, "He/She is just a friend," but you realize that you can not help avoiding the special attraction from him/her. At that moment, you are in love.

While you are reading this mail, if someone appear in your mind, you are deeply in love . .



[العابرون] سريعًا جميلون..
لا يتركون ثقلَ ظلّ.. ربما غبارًا قليلاً، سرعان ما يختفي.
الأكثر جمالاً بيننا، المتخلّي عن حضوره..

التارك فسحةً نظيفة بشغور مقعده.. جمالاً في الهواء بغياب صوته.
صفاءً في التراب بمساحته غير المزروعة..

الأكثر جمالاً بيننا: [الغائب].

(وديع سعادة )
إنسانـــة غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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